3 Qualities To Look For When Buying A Lot To Build A House
If you want to buy a property and decide that building a custom home is the right choice for you, one of your first steps should be to choose a lot where you will build your new home. Additionally, you should choose your house plans so that you can choose the right lot for your home. As you look for land to buy, here are three important qualities to look for in the lot that you purchase.
1. Location
The first thing you should look for is the location. Where do you want to live? Do you want to live within a certain distance of your job, or do you want to live in a certain district so that your children can attend certain schools? You might already have a neighborhood in mind that you really like. In any case, you should carefully consider the location of any lot you are looking at so that you can make sure you choose one that is located in the right place for your needs and lifestyle.
2. Elevation and Size
Secondly, you should look at the size of the lot as well as the elevation. The size of lots greatly varies. Some are very big, while some are small. Some lots also are deep but not wide, and these are all important features to examine. The elevation of the lot will play a role in whether or not you can put a basement in the house for a reasonable cost. As you look at these factors, you might also want to check the lot to see if there are any easements on the property.
3. Covenants
If you are looking at lots for sale within communities or neighborhoods, you should ask for the covenants for the neighborhood. The covenants will control many things, including the type of house you can build. If you already have your house plans selected, you would not be happy if you bought a lot and found out that you could not build the house you had chosen. Because of this, make sure you fully read through the covenants to make sure they are rules and regulations that you can live with and work with.
Buying a piece of land to build a house on is an exciting event in life, but you will want to make sure you choose the right land. To learn more about land for sale, contact a local real estate agency.